I’m Katie Carlin and I am a qualified reflexologist. I trained through the leading examination board, ITEC gaining a distinction in my Level 3 diploma. I provide reflexology in my comfortable treatment room in Liphook, Hampshire. I am a full member of the Association of Reflexologists . This is an independent Professional Reflexology Association in the UK, who work with other external bodies and advisory groups to promote the highest standards in the profession.
I’ve been a fan of reflexology ever since my Godmother sat me in her reflexology chair for the first time 25 years ago! Living next door to my Godmother I grew up seeing the benefits that her treatments had on people in our local community. Not only does it benefit those suffering from physical discomfort but it provided a haven of peace for those just needing a bit of ‘me’ time and stress relief.
When I met my husband, John in 2001 he suffered dreadfully from hayfever. All of his life he had to have annual injections to lessen his symptoms, but every year he still snuffled and coughed his way through spring and summer. After regular treatments with my Godmother, John (who was very sceptical at first) found that he no longer needed injections and only the occasional tablet to ease his much reduced symptoms.
After having children, I realised how reflexology could benefit both of my daughters too. My eldest struggled to drift off to sleep. Her mind was always whirring and she worried about a lot of things. My youngest suffers from hypersensitivity, so clothing can be very uncomfortable for her.
I decided to follow in my Godmother’s footsteps and train to be a reflexologist to help my whole family and others. The benefits for my children and husband have been wonderful. My eldest now drifts off to sleep with no problems or worries and I find my youngest is much calmer and hardly ever complains about itchy clothes anymore.
Like everyone these days, I live a very busy life with barely a second between dashing from the office to collect the kids, do the food shop, do the laundry, clean the house etc! Reflexology has given me a reason to slow down, to breath and take time to reflect on life. The time I spend with my clients is precious and it benefits my wellbeing as well as theirs.
I have found that my treatment room has become a safe place for people to come and literally take the weight off their feet. Sometimes they sleep, sometimes they laugh and sometimes they cry, but they always leave feeling like a weight has been lifted from their shoulders, and I feel so happy that I have been able to give them time to rest and let go of the stress of our day to day lives.
So, enough about me and why I love reflexology! It’s important for you to find out why reflexology could benefit you. I’ve mentioned hayfever, sleep and anxiety, but it is in reducing stress levels that reflexology helps the mind and body to rebalance which in turn can help with migraines, depression, hormonal imbalances, fertility issues, etc. Please read my ‘What is Reflexology?’ page to learn what reflexology does and how it works and you can read about my treatments here.
I hope to see you in my treatment room soon xx